Málaga, Benalmádena, Benalmádena

  • Площа 800
  • Приміщення 22
  • Комерційний об'єкт Продаж

890 000 EUR

1 113 EUR / m²

Málaga, Benalmádena, Benalmádena

Spectacular hostel project in the center of Arroyo de la Miel, in Benalmádena.
“Highly profitable investment, greater than 10%, following the project we have created.
This hostel is aimed at clients looking for a modern, elegant room with many facilities at a competitive price. The main client will be vacation tourists, both national and foreign, however, due to the location of the hostel, it could be used for for other types of business.
Being very conservative and using data with very low prices and with an annual occupancy of 50%, the annual return is 13.50%. With more realistic data, we would use an annual occupancy of 70% and the annual return in this case greater than 20%.
According to INE statistics, the number of tourists who choose Benalmadena as a tourist destination is increasing. Arroyo de la Miel is an area in demand by visitors due to its central location, proximity to all services such as public transport, restaurants, proximity to beaches, etc. The hostels that exist today in Arroyo de la Miel are quite old. The market needs a new hostel with a modern air, with a simple and elegant design to satisfy the demand of the medium-high client who travels in family in search of accommodation similar to a four-star hotel at the price of a hostel.
The hotel sector in Benalmádena registered the highest occupancy rate in Andalusia in the first fortnight of June, with 89.76%, ahead of other tourist towns in the autonomous community such as Chiclana (87.85%) or Torremolinos (86%).
We offer several purchase options:
– 890.000 with the project unfinished, in the current state.
– 1.390. 000 with the finished project and with the work completed in 6 months.
If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us!”

Додаткові дані
  • Гараж
  • Ліфт

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