Ilha da Madeira, Funchal, Funchal

  • Площа 94
  • Кімнати 2
  • Квартира Продаж

385 000 EUR

4 096 EUR / m²

Ilha da Madeira, Funchal, Funchal

Designed by renowned architect Carlos Ramos, winner of the Valmor prize and co-author of the Estádio do Restelo, in Lisbon, this historic building opened in the early 1970s under the Hilton hotel brand. The building was designed in the shape of a Y, overlooking Praia Formosa, allowing most apartments to benefit from a panoramic view of the sea, with an amplitude of 180º.The exterior areas and in particular the gardens were designed by the famous Portuguese landscape architect of the 20th century, Gonçalo Ribeiro Teles. On the other hand, the interior design breathes the spirit of the architect Daciano da Costa, consensually considered the most outstanding Portuguese designer of the 20th century.Acqua Residences will be a unique project for real estate in Madeira, due to its location, superior quality of apartments, allowing owners to enjoy more than 6,000 square meters (m²) of gardens and green areas. The development comprises T1 to T4 units, all with balconies and terraces, as well as parking and storage. Some apartments with larger areas also benefit from a private pool.A huge infinity pool that offers breathtaking views. On the sun loungers that surround it, you can enjoy the tranquility of the sea as well as the sunrise over the beautiful natural pools of Doca do Cavacas or the sunset behind the majestic Cabo Girão, the highest cliff in Europe at 580 m. Just 50 m from the condominium’s private elevator is the largest beach in Funchal, Praia Formosa, as well as the Promenade between Lido and Câmara de Lobos.Located in the west of Funchal, on the south side of one of the most emblematic roads, the splendid Estrada Monumental, with direct access to Funchal by this same main road. The city center is just 7 minutes by car and 30 minutes on foot. Easy access to the main roads, to move around Funchal and other regions of Madeira Island. Nearby, everything within a radius of 200 m, supermarket, grocery store, bakery, pharmacy, hairdresser, rent-a-car, bars and restaurants.

Додаткові дані
  • Басейн
  • Сад
  • Ліфт

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